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The Eighth "Common Sense" Workshop was Successfully Held

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At 9:00 a.m. on March 20, 2021, the eighth "Common Sense" workshop was successfully held in the teachers' lounge of Tianshan hall. This meeting was hosted by Mr. Luo Yixuan. 13 students from Political Science and Administration class 2018, class 2019 and class 2020 attended this meeting. The bibliography of this reading meeting is Two Treatises Of Civil Government written by British philosopher John Locke. This time, they mainly discussed the first and second chapters.

At the beginning, Mr. Luo led us to sort out the writing background of this book and Laswright's views on Locke. Then, Wang Yuxuan read the text paragraph by paragraph, and analyzed the meaning of each paragraph, so that the students can have a preliminary understanding of the text. During the reading meeting, Zhao Yuanhao, Hu Longbiao and other students put forward their own problems and opinions on Locke's main ideas. After listening to the students' discussion, Mr. Luo sorted out and answered each student's questions one by one to clarify their internal logic.

Finally, Luo Yixuan put forward some suggestions for the development of the workshop in the future, and hoped that more students would actively participate in the "common sense" workshop. By reading books like this, we can understand the deductive reasoning and ideological logic of Western political scientists, solid students' professional foundation, and broaden their horizons.