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Review of the Lecture: "Artificial Intelligence and Prediction in International Relations"

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On April 19, at the invitation of the School of Politics and International Relations of Lanzhou University and the Institute for Central Asian Studies of Lanzhou University, Dr.Tang Fan, assistant professor of Jilin University, delivered an academic lecture entitled "Artificial Intelligence and Prediction in International Relations" for teachers and students of our School, and Chen Yiyi, associate professor of our school, presided over the lecture. More than 40 teachers and students attended the lecture.

According to the theme, Dr.Tang Fan first introduced the basic situation of artificial intelligence from the definition, development process, new era of artificial intelligence, and then explained the algorithm of artificial intelligence machine learning. Finally, Dr. Tang talked about the application of artificial intelligence in international relations. Combined with the reality, Dr. Tang took the diffusion situation and isolation policy of covid-19 as an example to introduce the application of algorithm processes in the field of international relations, such as data acquisition and preprocessing, feature extraction and selection, training and testing.

After the lecture, Dr. Tang answered the questions raised by the students, and associate professor Chen Yi summarized the lecture. The lecture was hold successfully.