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The fifth and sixth sessions of the "Learning at Lanzhou University - Navigating Growth" were successfully held

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In order to further strengthen the interaction and communication between teachers and students during the online teaching period and help students solve various problems in their study and life, our college carried out the activity of "Learning in Lanzhou University - Navigating Growth" at 16:30 pm on November 15 and 10:30 am on November 16 in the A305 classroom of the second teaching building of Yuzhong Campus. Professor Chen Xiaoding, Vice President of the College, presided over this activity, and some students of Class 2021 participated in this activity.

In the afternoon of the 15th,Professor Chen Xiaoding first asked the students about their names and hometowns, and they all introduced themselves briefly. After a cordial exchange of pleasantries, the students then entered into a student-teacher exchange session, where they asked the teacher for advice on their respective confusions in study and life.

In this activity, the communication and discussion between teachers and students gathered the positive energy of growth for youth, and also discussed the new direction for the future.The answers given by Professor Chen Xiaoding helped the students to solve the problems they encountered in their study and life, and made them have a clearer understanding and planning for their future development. The help and guidance from the teachers will definitely become a valuable asset for the students on their way of growth.