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The 46th lecture of the "Zhengde" series "Ukraine and European Integration" was successfully held

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On the afternoon of 23 December 2021, at the invitation of the School of Politics and International Relations of Lanzhou University, researcher OlenaBorzenko from the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences gave an online academic lecture entitled "Ukraine and European Integration" to our students and teachers. The lecture was hosted by Ms. Zhang Yini and attended by more than 200 students and teachers from the university.

At the beginning of the lecture, Researcher Olena introduced the development of European integration, pointing out that the EU has now developed into a regional organization with great political and economic influence in the international arena. Despite the strict political, economic and social requirements for EU membership, many European countries, including Ukraine, have made it a goal to join the EU.

She then described the efforts and achievements of Ukraine in reforming its political system and economic development to achieve its accession goals. She analyzed the challenges facing Ukraine in achieving its accession goals, mainly from an economic perspective.

Finally, Researcher Olena analyses the prospects for Ukraine's accession to the EU. Although the signing of the Association State Agreement between the EU and Ukraine has brought Ukraine closer to the goal of accession, in actual fact, Ukraine's accession is not only influenced by domestic political and economic realities, but also to a large extent by the US and Russian factors.

After the lecture, Researcher Olena actively exchanged views with the students on the content of the lecture. The lecture gave a detailed account of the current situation, challenges and prospects of Ukraine's accession to the EU, which helped to deepen the understanding of our students on the issue of Ukraine's accession to the EU. The lecture was successfully concluded.