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The 21st Edition of the "Common Sense" Reading Club Was Held in Our School

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On April 9, 2022, the twenty-first edition of the School of Politics and International Relations "Common Sense" Reading Club was successfully held. The event was still online, due to the impact of COVID-19. Five students from the School of Politics and International Relations and the School of Arts participated in the reading session.The reading was on the French Enlightenment thinker Montesquieu's work on the Spirit of the Law and the scope of the reading was Chapter 3.In this reading session, Dr. Luo Yixuan led the students in a lively discussion based on their questions, and gave a detailed and vivid explanation.

As the reading progressed, Dr Luo Yixuan provided detailed explanations to address students' doubts about the text.After listening to these narratives, the students' understanding of public and private sins was further enhanced.

Dr. Luo recommended Liu Wei's book The Public Good and Private Profit, expecting that the reading of this book would help students to broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of the text.At the end of the reading, Dr. Luo Yixuan shared with the students important references related to the text, including Liu Wei's The Public Good and Private Profit and Sharon Krauss' LiberalismWith Honour.