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Lecture by alumni Guo Juanjuan: “Employment sharing of liberal arts students”

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At 15:00 p.m. on March 25, the lecture of "Employment sharing of liberal arts students" was successfully held in B604, Tianshan hall, Lanzhou University. Guo Juanjuan, headhunting consultants and alumni of Lanzhou University, was the keynote speaker of the lecture. More than 100 students from our college attended the lecture.

First of all, Guo raised two questions: whether the students present have made a choice about employment and postgraduate entrance examination in four years, and whether they have decided the direction of future employment. After that, she reviewed her college years and work experience, clarified the importance of initiative, interaction and opportunity with her own experience, and taught students how to actively strive for resources for themselves.

Secondly, Guo describes in detail the demand for talents in the workplace, how to determine the direction of employment, and the secret of getting an offer. Taking Alibaba company as an example, she shared the talent outlook of excellent companies, helped students distinguish career planning and career goals, and provided relevant suggestions. Finally, Guo answered the students' questions and sincerely expressed her hope that the students would study all their lives, cherish their time in school, communicate with others more. The lecture came to a successful conclusion.