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The Institute of Central Asian Studies of Lanzhou University published a study on “The Conspiracies and Approaches of the Crisis Politics under the ‘Containing China through Disrupting Xinjiang’ Strategy of the US”

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Since 2017, the United States and its Western allies have continued to advocate the issue of human rights in Xinjiang internationally, continuously speculating on the so-called existence of "concentration camps", "forced labour", "forced sterilisation" and "genocide" against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. "forced sterilisation", "genocide" and other lies. It is an attempt to achieve the goal of "Containing China through Disrupting Xinjiang". This year, the House and Senate of the US Congress have passed the " Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act", taking their strategy of "Containing China through Disrupting Xinjiang" to a further extent. We have conducted a study on this issue and completed the report.

The research report analyses the US's issue manipulation on Xinjiang-related matters. The report points out that the US crisis politics strategy in Xinjiang is an important part and the main manifestation of the US containment strategy towards China. Its strategy of "Containing China through Disrupting Xinjiang" is mainly manifested in its all-round intervention through agenda-setting, creating a crisis of legitimacy, economic crisis and sovereignty crisis in China's governance in Xinjiang, as one of the main means to contain China. The above-mentioned strategy originated under Trump and was intensified under Biden in terms of ideology and international alliances.

The report argues that the negative and stigmatized interpretation of human rights in Xinjiang by the US stems from both the US mechanical and metaphysical conception of human rights with arrogance, but also has deep-seated considerations. One of the main objectives is to establish a moral basis to contain and suppress China in the name of human rights, to create and intensify ethnic and social contradictions within Xinjiang, and to create a crisis of legitimacy for the Chinese government's governance of Xinjiang. At the same time, the US has tried to blockade and stifle Xinjiang's economy at the level of the industrial chain and supply chain in the name of "forced labour", "forced sterilisation" and "genocide". The essence lies in depriving the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang of their right to employment and development, and completely cutting off the channels for Xinjiang's economic development and opening up to the outside world. It is also a way of blocking the development of key industries in Xinjiang, and blocking the modernisation of Xinjiang's economy and society by creating a crisis. It is worth being wary that the most serious smear and accusation against China in relation to Xinjiang is the construction of a framework of blame against China's sovereignty in the name of "genocide". On the one hand, it stigmatises and degrades China in terms of values and ideology, and on the other hand, it tries to subvert and deconstruct China's territorial and sovereign integrity in the name of "genocide" in legal terms, ultimately achieving the strategic goal of "Containing China through Disrupting Xinjiang".

In conclusion, the US crisis politics strategy on the Xinjiang issue reflects a profound strategic connotation, which not only completely ignores the current reality of stability and development in Xinjiang, but also in practice reflects the hegemonic overtones of "violating human rights in the name of protecting them". This strategy of the United States has already led to major failures in Afghanistan, Syria and other countries. The serious humanitarian crises, economic crises and even national crises in the countries concerned are all evidence of US hegemony.