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Pre-thesis proposal for our 2019 Master's students was successfully held

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On 7 January 2021, a pre-thesis proposal for the graduation of our 2019 Master's students was held. Thethesis proposalwas divided into two groups at the same time, with Associate Professor Ma Guolin and Associate Professor Zhou Changxian as the team leaders, and Associate Professor Wei Jinshen, Associate Professor Sun Xiuwen, Associate Professor Chen Yiyi and Associate Professor Li Yibin as the judges. 28 master's students from our school participated in the pre-thesis proposal.

Firstly, the students who participated in the thesis proposal presented the research background, the oretical basis, logical structure and research conclusions of their thesis. The students summarized the shortcomings of their existing research, proposed their own research methods and presented their current research conclusions. After listening carefully to the students' thesis presentations, the judges gave a comprehensive evaluation from many angles and proposed relevant amendments. Afterwards, the judges patiently answered the questions raised by the students. The students listened carefully and took note of the suggestions made by the judges, and said they would improve and revise their thesis according to the suggestions.

Pre-thesis proposalis an important link set up by the School to regulate the management of postgraduate students and improve the quality of postgraduate training. Through strict control and comprehensive guidance on the quality of the dissertation, teachers and students conduct positive two-way feedback.

So far, the pre-thesis proposal of the master's thesis of class 2019 was successfully completed, which achieved good results and laid a solid foundation for the formal defense work.