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The Eighth " Qingjian" Reading Club Was Held Successfully

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Recently, we successfully held the eighth "Qingjian" reading club, in which we read the "History of Ming" from the "Twenty-four Histories", and the scope of the book was the full text of the Book of Taizu. Seven students from the School of Politics and International Relations and the School of Literature participated in the reading sessions.

The eighth reading session was held on 14 May at the Tencent Conference. The main reading was on the life of Zhu Yuanzhang before he ascended to the throne and became the emperor in the book " Taizu Benji".At the beginning of the reading session, Mrs Liang Zhaipeng gave the students a brief introduction to Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, and the compilation of the History of the Ming Dynasty, and then joined the students in reading the original text.In the discussion session, the students generally expressed their views on the various processes of Zhu Yuanzhang's struggle for power. He Chengsong explained Zhu Yuanzhang's marching route in relation to the historical maps of the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Mrs Liang Zhaipeng gave a detailed explanation of the story and focused on the strategy Zhu Yuanzhang adopted in the process of taking over the world. It provided a new perspective for the students to think about.

The whole book reading session ended in a relaxed atmosphere. The reading session effectively enhanced the students' understanding and grasp of the Ming Dynasty and ancient Chinese political culture and thought.